Julia M. Toro appears in national broadcast of Univision’s Perspectiva Nacional

Julia M. Toro participated as a panelist  in the TV Program “Perspectiva Nacional with Armando Guzman,”  broadcast nationally by Univision and affiliates on November 23th 2014. She spoke with other colleagues about President Obama’s Executive Order stated on November 20, 2014, and the benefits for those immigrants who are eligible. To see the program in its original broadcast in Spanish, click […]

Executive Order on Immigration by President Obama

On November 20, 2014, President Obama stated his Executive Order on Immigration which is composed of various elements, including some of the following: With regard to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program for minors who came to this country before turning 16 years old, the Order has expanded the eligible population to include those present since January 1, […]

Awaiting President Obama annoucement

November 19, 2014 Dear Clients and friends, As you know, President Obama is considering making changes to immigration matters through Executive Action, without the need for Congress to pass a new law. We do not yet know what he plans on doing, but this letter is for you and your family and friends to be aware of what will be […]

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