Awaiting President Obama annoucement

November 19, 2014

Dear Clients and friends,

As you know, President Obama is considering making changes to immigration matters through Executive Action, without the need for Congress to pass a new law. We do not yet know what he plans on doing, but this letter is for you and your family and friends to be aware of what will be needed if there are changes that will affect them.

If President Obama’s Executive orders affect you or your family and friends, please know that you will need to have certain documents ready and other plans in place.

I recommend:

  • File taxes and have all the years you have filed taxes together in one place. If you have years for which you have not filed your taxes, do so now.
  • Have all your, and your family’s, documents in order: identification, valid passports, birth and marriage certificate[s], divorce certificate[s] if any, bank records, school records, medical records, etc.;
  • All traffic or criminal arrest records, if any;
  • Tell your friends or family that do not know English well to practice their English and take classes if necessary;
  • Finally, save your money since all immigration forms and application have a fee, some cases have an additional penalty fee, and the whole process can be costly.

Remember that it takes time to put into place whatever changes President Obama would make. Do not be misled by Notary Publics who claim to know immigration law. A Notary from another country is not a lawyer in the United States, and a Notary in the United Sates is not a lawyer either.

Please do know hesitate to contact our office with any questions at 202-467-8340.

Best wishes,

Julia M Toro

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