Executive Order on Immigration by President Obama

On November 20, 2014, President Obama stated his Executive Order on Immigration which is composed of various elements, including some of the following:

  • With regard to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program for minors who came to this country before turning 16 years old, the Order has expanded the eligible population to include those present since January 1, 2010 [rather than the previous date from 2007], and extending the period of DACA and work authorization from 2 years to 3 years. Also, there is no longer any limit as to age at time of applying.  All petitioners can obtain a work permit and seek advanced parole for travel outside the United States.
  • Creation of a new Deferred Action for Parental Accountability program, allowing parents of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents who have been present in the country before January 1, 2010, to request deferred action and employment authorization for 3 years, provided they pass required background checks.  Each petitioner should fulfill the following criteria:
    • Have continuous residence in the United States since January 1, 2010;
    • Are the parents of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident born on or before November 20, 2014; and
    • Are not an enforcement priority for removal from the United States, pursuant to the November 20, 2014, Policies for the Apprehension, Detention and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants Memorandum [including not having any felony conviction or 3 or more misdemeanor convictions].
    • Pass all required background checks.

Each case is unique and subject to the discretion of USCIS, therefore it is important to be advised by an attorney specialized in immigration law.  The measures will be implemented in the near future since all forms and petitions are not available at this time.  Don’t be victim of fraud. [See also The US citizenship and Immigration Services webpage]

We need to be able to reach you at any moment in order to discuss your case with you, therefore it is important for us to have your most recent information, regarding the following:

  • Any recent change of address or phone number;
  • If you have not received your bill in the past month;
  • In all cases when you receive a notice or mail from Immigration.  You and your lawyer should both receive all mail from immigration, but that is not always what happens.
  • If you have not heard about your case from our office or immigration in over three months, feel free to call the office and inquire about your case at any time.

Finally, please call our office immediately if you have an appointment that you suddenly can not attend given any last minute unforeseen circumstance.

If you have a friend or family member who needs an attorney on immigration issues feel free to share with them my E-mail or our office phone number at: 202-467-8340.  If you have an appointment and need to cancel due to last minutes issues, please call us as soon as you can so we can use that space for another client.

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